Privacy Policy

Your privacy is very important to us at Carroll's Woodcraft Supplies

Only when you place an order is your personal information required. Information required are name, address, shipping address if differant to postal address, phone number and order details. These details are required so that we can process your order and respond to any problem with your order and can arrange delivery.

We do not sell or rent any personel information.


Customers (if using Internet Explorer) go to Tools and then Internet Options on their browser toolbar . Then click on the Privacy tab. Please select Medium-High or below, in order to allow cookies for your site. This should fix the problem.

What are Cookies

There are many reasons a given site would wish to use cookies. These range from the ability to personalize information (like on My Yahoo or Excite), or to help with on-line sales/services (like on Amazon Books or eBay), or simply for the purposes of collecting demographic information (like DoubleClick). Cookies also provide programmers with a quick and convenient means of keeping site content fresh and relevant to the user's interests. The newest servers use cookies to help with back-end interaction as well, which can improve the utility of a site by being able to securely store any personal data that the user has shared with a site (to help with quick logins on your favorite sites, for example).

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