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This gauge has been very well thought through and its multi functions will make shop marking and project layout easier and faster than ever. You can quickly scribe layout lines, measure depths and also lay down mortice and tenon locations on your material. Its well weighted and feels good in your hand as you are working.
When scribing a line the hardened steel single sided bevel wheel pulls the large round brass shoe against your timber and makes your scribes more accurate and repeatable. Since the hardened wheel slices rather than tears wood fibres you'll find the scribe lines to be equally accurate when marking with and against the grain.
This version comes with extra heads so to scribe parallel lines for mortices, you install the two 15.9mm diameter wheel cutters with their bevels facing away from each other. Use the imperial or metric graduated steel rod to accurately place the cutter wheels in the exact location desired a minimum of 9.5mm/38in apart and lock them in place with the supplied set screws. Your chisel can also be used to set the width of the wheel cutters.
Their opposing bevels allow you to scribe on the waste side of your cut, insuring perfect chisel registration. The included stop collar sits against the round marking gauge face and is the necessary diameter to ensure that the steel wheels don't lift or tilt when in use; this is very helpful when making marks with the steel rod extended further. Marking tenons is equally simple and accurate. Just reverse the wheel cutters so that their bevels are facing each other and you'll be sure to scribe on the waste side of you cut. The brass shoe face moves easily and accurately thanks the inserted o-ring which provide just the right amount of tension.